Send Back Your MP3s!
We knew stealing that music was wrong. Stealing is never OK. But, it was just too easy. So we told ourselves we were just "sharing" the music, because everyone knows that sharing is a good thing.
But then we learned what we were really doing. We heard our favorite recording artists telling us that our "sharing" is really shoplifting and piracy. We were stealing from the musicians and singers we love!
That was when we looked at each other and said: "No more! It's time to make it right by giving back what we stole!" And that's just what we did! We sent back all the MP3's we'd illegally downloaded. Everyone one of them!
#2 Burn 'em
1. Burn a copy of your stolen MP3's. (Here's a guide: You can fit about 200 MP3s on a CD.)
2. Package the CD's in a plastic case
3. Place the CD case in an envelope. Carefully cut a piece of cardboard the size of the CD case.
4. Seal the envelope. (Hint: You might consider putting in a note saying you're sorry.)
5. Put on the right number of stamps.
6. Address it to: The RIAA c/o America
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