péntek, november 28, 2003
  Nigerian Spam Fun

Question.How do I get a 419 scammer to contact me, I'd love to get stuck into this scam baiting sport?!

Well, you are probably one of the lucky ones who haven’t received any contact from them yet! I find the best place to harvest scammers is Internet guest books. Open up a Search Engine, such as Google or Altavista and type in a search phrase like the following (not including the speech marks), "guestbook +guymen +mugu" this should bring up many sites containing guest books. Pop over to maybe 10 - 25 of the guestbooks and enter some brief details, of course not forgetting to enter your scam harvesting email address! I find if you type something like, "Overseas businessman looking for good investment opportunities", that seems to work well. Within a few days (sometimes a lot less) you should start receiving your invitations to share millions!

Nigerian Skam

Example of having fun with Nigerians
Comments: Megjegyzés küldése

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