vasárnap, május 18, 2003
23rd Annual Mooning of Amtrak

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
Must I "moon", or can I just watch? No, You can watch.
Does It get hot here in July? Yes, mid-day it is usually about 95�F (35�C) and humid.
Should I bring food & drink? If you wish. Mugs Away Saloon will be serving cold beverages. An outdoor vendor will be grilling hamburgers for sale. Also, a vender will be selling souvenier T-shirts of the event.
Is there room to park my car or motor home? By 11am you may have to walk a few blocks.
Are pets O.K. to bring? Yes, you can bring your dog, cat, snake, parrot, or iguana. Don't forget water for them.
I'm overweight, in fact very obease, is it O.K. if I moon? Yes yes, please "moon" with us. We need people like you for the extra high intensity mooning you can provide.
Do women participate in mooning? Yes yes. The more modest women wear "string" or "thong" type panty underwear.
Can I decorate my butt? Yes, that's O.K.
What happens in the saloon? There are two successive bands inside the Mugs Away Saloon from 11am till closing, which is about midnight.
Is Amtrak connected with this? NO, Amtrak has nothing to do with this "show" except operate the trains.
Can I get there by train and/or bus? Yes, but it's an adventure. OCTA Bus #91 stops near the San Juan Capistrano train station, then a � hour bus ride, then about a � mile walk and scaling a 30� slope
Comments: Megjegyzés küldése

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